Terry Laszlo-Gopadze
Terry's Bio

Reclaiming the Wild in Our Lives

Wednesday, October 1st, 2014

RWS Front CoverI am happy to announce that my good friend and colleague Mary Reynolds Thompson’s latest book Reclaiming the Wild Soul: How Earth’s Landscapes Restore Us to Wholeness is now available!!!

“Reclaiming the Wild Soul” is a must read for anyone looking for a joyous path to wholeness. Mary Reynolds Thompson’s superb book takes us back to our deep roots in nature where our dreams and destiny intertwine. Her book ignites the soul with the earth’s powerful wisdom and connects each of us to our deepest, wildest, wisest selves.”
— Terry

You can purchase a copy of Mary’s book here: http://www.amazon.com/Reclaiming-Wild-Soul-Landscapes-Wholeness/dp/1940468140

Mrt.BioI was asked by Mary to share a story for her Wild Soul Story series. I can never resist telling a story and mine is about a healing from a pine tree! You can listen here: http://maryreynoldsthompson.com/terry-laszlo-gopadze-5/

Mary reminds us that, “ A wild soul story requires you to leave the well-worn path and enter the dark and leafy terrain of your imagination. It communicates in the language of poetry, metaphor, and nature.”

You can watch Mary’s book trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCS_oWVbIjI&list=UUGHMYLdn1488aOY8XgsDJmQ

You can download your free Wild Soul Mandala and check out Mary’s schedule of workshops, readings and other events by visiting her website: http://maryreynoldsthompson.com/.


Thursday, July 14th, 2011

Mary Reynolds ThompsonThis is the title of an up and coming book by an inspiring woman, Mary Reynolds Thompson.  Mary invites us to connect with earth’s spirit and wisdom in fresh and meaningful ways. She calls us to renew our relationship to earth while we make commitments to heal the natural world and ourselves.  I had to introduce you to Mary. Mary is calling us home.

I wanted to share Mary’s wonderful newsletter with you as well.  I’m signing up! Join me.
Click Here


With gratitude and reverence for our planet,



The Spirit of a Woman Available at:
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